100% Chemical-free, non-toxic, no insecticides. Perfect for daily use on dogs or cats, puppies or kittens and causes no allergic reactions, even while pregnant or nursing. Waterproof, odor free and does not affect your pet's sense of smell. Safe for humans and animals and no secondary effects on your pet, family, and house.when baltic amber beads are worn by apet it will be naturally rubbed against its fur. This action will help the amber to generate electricity, which makes it almost impossible for fleas or ticks to stick on dog or cat fur. The other beneficial feature of this natural resin is that it has a distinct scent, effective for repelling to ticks or fleas. When amber beads are made warmby pets' fur and body temperature, they will release its natural odor. So the longer your pets wear amber collars the more effective it becomes. It usually takes about one week of continuous wearing to reach its maximum repelling properties.
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